Acantho - thorn
Actino -
Aero - air
Arc - arch
arch(ae/i) - ancient
are - space
areni - sandy
arg(en/lyr) - silver
arthro - joint
artic - jointed
artio - even-numbered
arundin - reed-like
asc - sac
asper - rough
aspid - shield
ast(e)r - star
astrag - dice (originally a knuckle bone)
ater, atra - black
atr(ium) - vestibule
austral - southern
auto - self
aux - grow
avi - bird
axi - axis
azyg - unpaired
Baca - small berry
Baccatus - berried
Baena - walking
Balan - acorn
Barb - beard
Baro - weight
Basi - at the bottom
bat(is) - skate, ray
bdella - sucker
bell - pretty
bi - two
biblio - book
bi(ola) - life
blast - germ, embryo, bud. Also, cell with nucleus (e.g. sideroblast)
bore - north
botane - plant
botry - small bunch of grapes
bov - ox
brachi - arm
brachy - short
brady - slow
branch - gill
brevi - short
brizo - to nod
bronch - windpipe
bucca - mouth cavity
bulbos - bulbous
bullat - wrinkled
buno - hill
bursa - pouch, purse
Caduci - temporary
Caec - blind
Caespit - tufted
Calam - reed, aspen
Calc - stone
Calli - beautiful
Callos - callous
Calor - heat
Camp - field
Campanula - bell (instrument)
Cand - white, pure
Cani - dog
cap(it) - head
capill - hair
capsella - small box
card - heart
carin - keel
cam - flesh
carotid - producing stupor
cary - nut
cata - down
cauda - tail
cav - hollow
centi - hundred
ceph(al) - head
cera(s)(t) - horn
cerebro - brain
cerv - neck
ch(e)ir - hand
chaero - to please
chaet - bristle
chamae - on ground
chel - turtle
cheno - goose
chiasm - crossing
chil - lip
chlamy - outer garment
chlor - green
choan - funnel
chondr - cartilage
chord - cord
chorion - membrane
chrom - color
chrys - golden
chyl - fluid
chym - juice
cili - eyelash
ciner - ashen, grey
cipit - head
circum - around
cirr - tentacle (originally curl)
cl(e)ist - closed
clad - branch
clast - broken
clav - key
cleid - key
cleithr - bar, key
clin - bed, recline
cloaca - sewer
cochl - shell
coel - hollow
col(on) - large intestine
coll - neck
collat - borne together
columella - little column
com - with
commis - sent out
communis - colonial
commutat - changed
compact - compact
compress - flattened
con - with
conch - shell
condyl - knuckle
cono - cone
contra - opposite
convolvo - to entwine
copro - dung
cora(xlg) - raven
corb - basket
cord - heart
corium - leather
corn - horn
coron - crown
corp - body
cort - bark
cost - rib
cotyl - cup
crani - skull
crass - thick
crep - shoe
cribi - sieve
cric - ring
crispus - curled
crist - crest
cru(rals) - shank
cruci - cross-like
crypt - hidden
cten - comb
cune - wedge
cusp - lance, point
cuti - skin
cyan - blue
cycl - circular
cyno - dog
cyst - capsule
cyt - cell
Dactyl - finger
Dasy - shaggy
Deci - ten
Decid - falling off
Decuss - cross banding
Deka - ten
Delph - womb
Delphis - dolphin
Demi - half
Demoliri - to pull down; destroy
Dendr - tree
dent/don/dont- tooth/teeth
derm - skin
dero - persisting
desmo - band
deut - second
dextro - right
di(a) - two
dia - through
didym - twin
digit - finger
dino - terrible
diplo - double
dipso - thirst
dissect - deeply cut
dodeca - twelve
don’t - tooth
dors - back
drom - quick running
dubi - doubtful
dulci - sweet
duo - two
dur - hard
Echino - spiny
Echis - viper
Eco - house
Ecto - outside
Effer - carrying away
Effusus - loosely spreading
Ejacul - throw out
Elasmo - plate, flat
Elat - tall
-ell - diminutive
Ellucid - shining through
Embio - living
Embol - thrown in
Endo - inside
Engy - narrow
Ensi - sword
Entolenter - inside